Sunday, July 15, 2012

How To Speed Up Windows 7 (Tips and Tricks)

Let me take this moment to say "Damn Best Buy" and "Damn Toshiba"...

My Toshiba Satellite is out of commission Again!

In fact, it's laying over there in my "dirty clothes" basket as I'm blogging...

Don't even ask me what the problem with it is. All I can say is "piss on that piece of crap" for right now. I don't have time to fool with it. I have a four-day weekend and I have to kill weeds and grass, fight and exterminate cockroaches, clean my room, and figure out a way to make a million dollars so I won't have to go back to work on Wednesday. So, Piss On That PC.


I've been on a quest to find a newer better laptop. But, I'll talk about that later. Right now, check out these tips and tricks (if you don't already know about them) and relieve yourself of some undue stress.

If you're already using these "basic tricks" to improve the performance of your computer, then just hold tight and stay tuned for the next post: "Checkin' Out The Computers And Hot Booty In WalMart".

And, did I mention that I upgraded the RAM in this little Aspire One? If I haven't, that's something else we'll have to discuss. I'm feeling good about it.

And, if You haven't upgraded yet, do it. If nothing else, it will stop that aggravating "low on virtual memory" bubble and give you piece of mind. You'll be glad you did and the Great Cyber Gods will bless you for doing it.


How To Speed Up Windows 7 (Tips and Tricks)

(If you don't see the video, click on this YouTube link: )

Video provided by - technologycrazy